Three Glass Maintenance Tips Before You Look for Glass Replacement

3 Glass Maintenance Tips Before You Look for Glass Replacement

Replacing sections in a custom glass design can be difficult, but the right maintenance steps can help you avoid this problem entirely. At Ryan’s All-Glass, we are dedicated to providing the best service and the best advice for our customers. In today’s blog from Ryan’s All-Glass, we discuss a few glass maintenance tips that can help avoid glass replacements and keep your custom glass features looking great.

1. Ryan’s all-glass Shower Guard

Ryan’s offers a special protective coating that seals the pores in the glass to prevent water staining and calcium build up. This coating has to be applied at the time of purchase to offer the best results.

2. Proper Cleaning

The most common reason why mirrors or glass features don’t last as long as they should is because they aren’t cleaned properly. Using a squeegee after every shower as well as regular cleaning any other glass features can cause them to deteriorate and look old and cloudy. However, this is a completely avoidable problem!

Use a clean microfiber cloth and gentle cleansing solution to remove dirt, dust and oils from your glass. Ryan’s all-glass sells a great glass cleaner, if you are on the hunt for the right product. This will keep your glass in the best shape possible and help you avoid glass replacement down the road.

3. Seek Advice From The Professionals

If you have damaged glass, you might not know whether or not you can repair it yourself or whether you need professional help. It can also be difficult to tell if you need a total glass replacement without the help of professionals like the Ryan’s all-glass team. Before seeking a total replacement or attempting a do-it-yourself repair, consult with a glass repair service provider like Ryan’s all-glass.

Contact Ryan’s All-Glass For More Information

If you are looking for glass repair or glass replacement, Ryan’s All-Glass has your solution. For more information on what we offer, give us a call at (513) 771-4440 or contact us online today.